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Allan Leighton Former Chairman Of Royal Mail And Post Office Apologises

Hundreds of postmasters wrongly prosecuted for theft

Allan Leighton, former chairman of Royal Mail and Post Office, apologises

Hundreds of sub-postmasters were wrongly prosecuted for stealing money from their branches because of faulty software, a public inquiry has found.

The inquiry, led by Sir Wyn Williams, found that the Post Office's Horizon computer system was "not fit for purpose" and that there was a "litany of failures" by the Post Office in its handling of the scandal.

Allan Leighton, who was chairman of Royal Mail and Post Office between 2002 and 2010, has apologised for the "appalling miscarriage of justice" that saw innocent people wrongly convicted.

"I am deeply sorry for the suffering that has been caused to the postmasters and their families," he said.

The inquiry found that the Post Office had failed to properly investigate the Horizon system when it was first introduced in 1999, and that it had ignored warnings about its unreliability.

As a result, hundreds of postmasters were wrongly accused of theft and prosecuted, many of whom lost their jobs, homes and reputations.

The inquiry has made a number of recommendations, including that the Post Office should pay compensation to the victims of the scandal and that the government should set up a new independent body to oversee the Post Office.


The Post Office scandal is a shocking example of how a flawed computer system and a lack of proper oversight can lead to a miscarriage of justice.

The victims of this scandal have suffered terribly, and it is right that they should now receive compensation and an apology from the Post Office.

The government must also take action to ensure that such a scandal can never happen again.
